Tag Archives: winter

A Crow in the Trees

illustration/photography by Sylvia

the stillness of a perched crow—
perhaps it contemplates a distant destination,
the whisper of flapping wings,
the camaraderie of a journey at dawn across January skies,
or the solitary moment on the margin between flight and rest


Excerpt from this book: The Comfort of Crows

photo of book and illustration taken by Sylvia

Who could fail to embrace a season so beautiful and so fragile?

Excerpt from The Comfort of Crows A Backyard Year by Margaret Renkle and illustrated by Billy Renkle, 2023


photo by Sylvia

A Sunday in January

photo by Sylvia

The world outside has turned monochromatic, all shades of grey.
Juliet explores in the snow.
Inside, stacks of books are piled here and there. Dried flowers, pine cones and leftover slices of Christmas oranges are tucked into bowls. The tea brews. The afternoon edges closer to evening just as it starts to snow softly once again. 

photo by Sylvia
photo by Sylvia


In the Blue Morning

photo by Sylvia

early, in the blue morning,
with a dusting of wet snow
and bitter wind,
the crows make their way from their roost—
their cacophony of sound traveling on the falling,
thick flakes, from a height that renders them small black specks that i struggled to see, beyond the iciness that clung to my lashes
