Tag Archives: life

A Sunday in January

photo by Sylvia

The world outside has turned monochromatic, all shades of grey.
Juliet explores in the snow.
Inside, stacks of books are piled here and there. Dried flowers, pine cones and leftover slices of Christmas oranges are tucked into bowls. The tea brews. The afternoon edges closer to evening just as it starts to snow softly once again. 

photo by Sylvia
photo by Sylvia


In a tiny cottage-house, out the window

photo by Sylvia

I am wrapped into an old quilt watching a squirrel leap from branch to branch. The crows fly against the grey December sky by the dozens, stretching for miles, black waves echoing in the distance. Closing my eyes, the outlines of the dried oak leaves melt into my mind and right into my soul. 


Thoughts on a Walk

photo by Sylvia

While on a walk with Juliet, I saw a stack of books through a window. A stack of books lined up, just so and a lamp with an orange glass shade. And I wondered what the books were and why these books were stacked in this way. I wondered if this was a bedroom, or a library room, or an office. Or maybe, these books belong to a student—a young student with a lifetime of dreams before them, with a lifetime of books before them, with a lifetime before them. 

photo by Sylvia

A Catalog of 4 Days

photo by Sylvia

we pulled the leaves from the dill plants and the night fell with its fragrance 

with their humble happiness, the pumpkins beckoned

there was a bit of melancholy about the place; the distressed beauty of willful neglect but also a prescience in the way the sun fell in random slices through the thick afternoon clouds

she laughed when I ran outside to shoot the morning frost on the leaves and so I scampered, crunching the grass, taking the shots quickly, leaving an exhaled breath behind me

photo by Sylvia
photo by Sylvia
photo by Sylvia

The Leaves

photo by Sylvia

Leaves stick to the bottom of our boots and gather in the kitchen where the shoes are haphazardly discarded. But the leaves, in all of their brittle and scampering leafiness, travel throughout the house on the edges of a passing breeze— resurfacing on a worn blanket or in the corner by a basket of pine cones.

photo by Sylvia


Temporary Things

photo by Sylvia

youth, sadness and shooting stars,

rainy mornings and happy afternoons,

sometimes a broken heart and sometimes a broken promise,

anger and a small child’s laughter,

a full moon and an autumn breeze,

a late summer sun on fresh flowers, 

a day at the lake, a lark, a laugh, a life


photo by Sylvia