The Past

wet leaves
photo by Sylvia

i dream of the past and suffer all over again


Spanishwoods is 2 1/2 years old. In that time I have brought only positive light to these blog pages. But for the next week, it’s going to get a little darker. One week of meloncholia. One week of a negative purging of sorts. If you have no desire to read a stormier version of the woods, skip this week and I will see you again in mid July.

18 thoughts on “The Past”

  1. I know the feeling. I can relate. I will be with you this week. Joy can only be truly experienced when we know sorrow. Wishing you sweeter dreams, but I understand and experience the nightmares too.


  2. Sometimes, whatever mood they specify, words are needed to be said… or written. So I will be waiting for those words no matter what mood they specify. 🙂


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