24 thoughts on “I believe in you”

      1. Yes it is – mine are in their 20’s now so I am a few years ahead of you. It is exciting, but bittersweet. We need to be proud of the independent you people we have nurtured and give them their wings and a home nest to come back to when needed 🙂


    1. And that is why little micro messages are so great. My inspiration was my kids, but these words can be for all who read them. Even more fascinating is the different meanings that all people can gleam. Someone mentioned that they needed to hear these words today. I think that’s truly awesome that a simple sentence can bring kindness to strangers. So you are right, I do believe in you.

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  1. My son is 22 and my daughter just turned 18 yet sometimes I still look at them like they are so young, but then I see him at work and her in college so I simply offer a prayer and now I see your words and I wish to offer that to them today. Thank you for sharing this!


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